Positive Thinking

Let's Make The Planet Beautiful With Our Positive Thinking

Micro Beauties; Presented By Our Beautiful Nature.

Hello, The most wonderful people of Hive Community. Micro beauties presented by our beautiful nature, why not me, although I was the capturer and also writing this bl

"Discover Yourself" (2nd Part of;LIFE OF 24)

"DISCOVER YOURSELF" Do you ever think about a very familiar figure in our real life? The round shape of our profile picture in the world of virtuality. Why do they like to k

LIFE OF 24; (My First Series Story On Hive: 1ST PART)

After a long time, I'm thinking to write a series Story in my #Hive Blog. Discovering, introducing, and playing a character in our regular presentation in

Colorful Communities Blog; This is high time to push yourself on BDC Blogs.

Communities are the pure Oxygen for the Hive Blockchain. Communities & the most wonderful people’s of Hive Blockchain proved it millions of times. Communities also in Hive Blockchain are also following the same

Introducing The Community of Brotherhood; Discovering Communities Initiative.

BDC stands for BDCommunity in Hive Blockchain. The short form BD represents Bangladesh, So BDcommunity represents a very organized and trending Bangladeshi Community in Hive Blockchain. What will be the short form

"ডিজিটাল তাল গাছ"

খুব ব্যস্তাতার মধ্য দিয়ে দিন কাটছে বাবলু সাহেবের। যান্ত্রিকতা জীবনটাকে যেন রোবোটিক জীবনে পরিনত করেছে। আজকাল আর পাখির ডাকে ঘুম ভাঙ্গে না, ভাঙ্গবে কিভাবে? পাখির ডাকতো শোনাই যায় না, ইটের দেয়ালের ভিতরে বাস করে। পাখির ড

"Bangla Titanic" Invention for the freedom.

I can't swim. But every day I want to come to the bank of this beautiful pond. When boys like my age, used to swim in this pond at noon, I just can't stay at home. Just run away to the pond and love to enjoy the sw

Life Is More Beautiful Than Flowers.

Who said that "Life is more beautiful than the flowers. Maybe he is a Mad. I

What do you think about a community in Hive Blockchain?

No Community, No Hive. This is a universal truth for Hive Blockchain-Based Social media platform. Let me ask you a question, what are the activities of a community in Hive Blockchain? Don't be emotional just give t

"চন্দ্র বিড়ম্বনা"

"তুমি চাইলে আকাশের চাঁদ এনে দেব" তোমায় দেয়া সেই প্রতিশ্রুতি যে আমার মিথ্যা ছিল, তার প্রমান তোমার পিতা আমাকে দিয়েছিলেন, তিনি আমায় বলেছিলেন "বামুন হয়ে চাঁদের দিকে হাত বাড়িয়ে কোন লাভ নাই"। আমি দ্বিধাগ্রস্থ হয়ে পড়েছিলা

Enterprise Application System With Blockchain Technology.

At first, I wanna thanking @zord189 for his contest announcement with a great topic. If I were a blockchain, what will be the vision, mission, future, and how I will use it

Picture of the Day: Leaf and the small Ant.

Oh! You are taking a photo, I think you are going to eat the new leaf. So th